0X800CCC0F error while dowloading emails in outlook express
A customer had problems downloading emails using outlook express.
OE would start downloading, I’d start the progress window, and I see its downloading message 1 of 25. Then it goes to message 2, etc.
At message 4, it stops, and gives an error 0x800CCC0F. A search on the net shows nothing useful, except to try reinstalling OE… but it seems that OE and IE are tied together, so you need to remove and reinstall both…
I try a few more times, but I get the same error, but at different points: sometimes with message 9, sometimes at message 6.
Each time, OE would start downloading the first message, as it wasn’t marked as having been downloaded… so OE accumulates many duplicate emails.
I figure: I’ll try using the bigpond webmail, so I can only make 1 email available at a time, then OE can “digest” the emails and I might pinpoint a corrupt email.
But I quickly find the bigpond webmail gives me a mostly blank screen…
OK, plan B: I try bigpond webmail on firefox… but that gives similar results.
Plan C: Install foxmail… but it just sits at message 9 and won’t go past it.
At this stage, its getting late, so I promise to test webmail from the office (to eliminate a telstra problem, or a local pc problem).
At the office, bigpond webmail works flawlessly. So I move some of the larger emails to a temporary mail folder. I then make an appointment to revisit, and prepare myself to reinstall OE and IE.
Once onsite again, I look at webmail one more time, but its the same blank screen. At this point, I close the webmail window without logging out… So I try logging in again, except I’m not given the login window… but instead I see the webmail inbox screen… fantastic.
After some experimenting, I find I can get webmail to half work by hitting the refresh button whenever I get a mostly blank screen.
So now, I get OE to download 2 or 3 emails at a time… and OE is able to download all the pending messages… no errors… Hmmm, I was expecting at least 1 error / corrupt email.
I decide to give OE a bigger test: I email a 1Mb attachment back to “myself”… and it also works perfectly.
So I tell the customer its all tentatively fixed… but let me know if the problem reappears.
I subsequently found the antispam program (CA – Computer Associates), was causing the problem.
Hello my friend. I have a 0X800ccc0f problem too. Clients who uses Outlook Express/Outlook(who use POP3 account) have this problem but Mapi clients don’t have. I thought it is related with mail because when I delete the mail from the OWA, I can successfully Send/Receive but when I put it Inbox again, it is giving this error. Also when I forward the mail to another account, it can successfully do Send/Receive. I guess when I forward the mail, its content is changing. But when you look at the mail(which is givin the error), nothing’s wrong. Also we are using the Nod32 Antivirus/Antispam but we tried to uninstall it and do Send/Receive but nothing’s changed. I hope you can help me, thank you…
Hi Melih,
I don’t know what OWA is.
If you uninstalled NOD32, then check what other security programs you have running (you might need to reset the windows firewall (turning it off might not help… you need to reset it back to factory defaults).
Also try a different mail client like foxmail or thunderbird.
0x800ccc0f seems to be some sort of timeout error, so its possible that the mail transfer is somehow slowed/blocked (either from the sender side, or the receiver side).
Make sure nothing is pre-checking the emails (eg spam filter… which is often started from the control panel services).
This error message has happened to me several times since mid October 2010. I fix it by disabling the CA anti virus and firewall for a couple of minutes and the Windows mail on Vista downloads the emails. When complete I enable both protections and it runs smoothly until next time.
Last time I called Telstra and spoke to a lovely lady in The Philippines. She took 10 minutes to tell me they had no answer or solution to the problem and I had to wait for at least 24 hours before somebody who could understand me and me them would be able to call back.
I then fiddled with the firewall and virus protection and fixed it.
The issue seems to be the CA product and it occurs spasmodically. .