billion 7300G wireless wpa fault
After upgrading my internet connection to ADSL2+ (TPG), I decided to upgrade my network to an all-in-one wireless modem router.
After some research, I decide that the billion 7300G seems like the best all-rounder.
The initial setup went without any problems.
I even setup some QOS settings (to limit all the P2P thats happening in my household).
The next day, I try out the wireless with my laptop.
Hmmm, it doesn’t want to work.
The XP wireless connection keeps starting and stopping… it looks like it continuously connects, then disconnects.
I try no WPA security, and the laptop connects first time (and stays connected).
A quick browse of some forums reveals the answer: the 7300G cannot handle a WPA password that has a comma (,) in it.
I experiment with a few different ascii characters, and as far as I can find, the problem is only with the comma… I tried:
So I just recreate a new 63-character password, but without a comma.
Note: I noticed this fault while the 7300G had the latest firmware available to me: 1.36-698-80.3_sso_billion