and another scam alert
If you are looking for work and you get an email that begins with:
Thank you for your recent submission for a role at Employed Success.
To progress your submission further, you must finish an Online Assessment. This has to be completed within the next 7 days in order for your submission to get consideration for roles with Employed Success.
Then my advice is: don’t bother. Just move it into your spam folder and move on.
Its actually a variation on the: Work At Home Mom Makes $6,397/Month Part-Time
They say you make the money from google, but I doubt it.
My website and blog make me about $40 per month, and thats after 7 years of blogging (about 850 blog posts to date), so your chances of making 100 times as much depends on what kind of interesting / depraved / wacky nonsense you can serve up, in the hopes that it goes “viral”. Just because 1 person got lucky and got millions of hits on their youtube video of their pet rock which suddenly developed the ability to play chess, doesn’t mean you will too.
Yep I got that exact e-mail yesterday too. I knew instantly that it was a scam. I feel sorry for some poor idiot that falls for it though, because it could be convincing to someone who is not internet savvy or lacks common sense.
and sometimes those links are nothing more and an attack site.I got nailed that way once.