computer breaks when i move it
I was returning a customers second PC (after removing an infection, and upgrading RAM from 128mb to 380mb), when he asked me to upgrade the ram in his main PC.
I said I’m running late for my next appointment, so I’ll take a quick look, so I can order the correct part.
It needs some PC2700 RAM, so I then close up the PC, and head over to my next customer.
He calls back soon afterwards, saying his PC won’t start… and he needs it for tomorrow morning.
So I return later that night, and sure enough, the lights come on,but it won’t start.
All I did during my earlier visit was to slide the PC out of its alcove, open the side panel, shine a flashlight to look at the ram, close the side panel, and then put the PC back in its alcove.
I eventually track the problem to… drumroll… a faulty power supply.
When I take out the old PSU, I notice a rattling sound from within… A careful look shows that there is a loose screw inside… hmmm, that could be dangerous!
Being curious, I take the old PSU home, open it up, and I find a screw similar to the screws holding the PSU case together.
There are no empty holes where the screw might belong, so I don’t think it could have vibrated/worked its way loose. So its probably a manufacturing defect.
There is also a bulging cap, so the PSU probably needed replacing anyway.
But what really bugs me is when things seem to break when I “touch” them.
Luckily it hardly ever happens to me, but its irritating nonetheless.
Probably one of the most annoying aspects of this business is that whenever you touch a computer, you own all the problems that computer will ever have in the future.
And unless the user has some common sense, they’ll insist it’s your fault and that you must fix it for them.
Thankfully, they are the minority, most people aren’t so quick to blame other people and get something for nothing.
why not just run cpuz (or everest) from a cd or usb and read what ram is already in there ?
Good one Ash! cpuz is perfect (its so easy to forget that there are tools out there to make our jobs easier)