hp presario 2500 series RAM and poor model identification
I had a customer with a hp compaq presario 2500 laptop.
It had 256Mb ram, and it was running a tad slow.
I suggested a ram upgrade (but none of the laptop RAM modules I had with me would physically fit).
OK, I’ll just take down the laptop details, and I should be able to find the RAM…
The front of the laptop says “2500”. past experience tells me that its not good enough, as there could be hundreds of model numbers.
I look under the laptop, looking for something like “2578AI”, so that I can get an exact model number.
But the sticker also says 2500.
I figure it must be an original 2500.
But my supplier is not convinced. So I call the customer again, and ask for any other details. She gives me the serial number and the part number.
Armed with that information, I go to the HP website, and find out the actual model (a 2578AI)… it would be a lot more helpful if HP could actually print the model number somewhere on the laptop itself!