HomeTechnicalMalware that’s ***really*** difficult to remove


Malware that’s ***really*** difficult to remove — 2 Comments

  1. I use Spybot, Ewido, Antivir, Spyware Blaster and sometimes even Ad-Aware. Ive never had any problems with conflicts and I continually have a clean system. I also have Sygate Firewall on so I can protect all incoming, outgoing connections. It seems like alot, but I really have to do bugger all. Worth it I reckon.

  2. Yep, I use outpost, antivir, ad-aware, ewido (without the resident scan), winpatrol, spywareblaster, bhodemon, hijackthis.

    But on some systems with 256Mb, or even 128Mb, I can only (realistically) use antivir and spywareblaster, and either startupmonitor, or winpatrol.

    Also, some (many) people are not tech-savvy, so too many tools confuses the heck out of them.