Santa (SATA) drive
Yet another funny variation on a common IT technical term.
This time, a customer calls asking for a price on upgrading a motherboard, CPU, and RAM. He also mentions he purchased a hard drive from the net, and would like to know if can use his existing CD drives.
I ask about which are SATA and which are IDE.
After a while, I notice he has stopped saying SATA and has started saying “Santa”…
He was talking about IDe drives and Santa drives.
It was a deliberate decision on his part, and made the discussion really amusing.
Getting the names wrong doesn’t bother me but customer speak does lead to some interesting results:
1) My computer doesn’t turn on (diagnosis: the computer is fine, the monitor is dead)
2) It was working fine yesterday (translation: I last used this PC 6 months ago but don’t want to admit it)
3) I don’t know how I got this virus (translation: I’ve been looking at mucky videos again)
4) My internet isn’t working (diagnosis: internet is fine but the computer doesn’t power up…)
5) It doesn’t play DVDs (diagnosis: only a CD drive present)
All part of the joy of customers!