why do some people get this blog emailed?
Soon after I first created this blog, I also connected it to feedburner, and activated the “email subscription” option.
I figure some people would like to read my posts without having to remember to regularly visit my website, or muck around with feed readers, etc.
since then, I’ve had 2 people send me some very exasperated-sounding emails eg:
can u STOP sending me messiges ok it is anoying !!!!!!!
Its probably someone playing a practical joke on them, as I cannot see how someone can go to the effort of subscribing to my email feed, and then not notice that each email has unsubscribe details within it. And given the infrequent nature of my posting (once every day or three), its nowhere near as annoying as some of the real spam emails.
Anyway I politely reply, saying that they should be able to unsubscribe themselves, but I’ve unsubscribed them anyway.
inevitable, i guess … i for one love yr blog – i run my own computer support and repair business in the Blue Mountains, and find yr blog an invaluable source of information, ideas, and common frustrations! keep up the good work!
Hi Shayne,
Thanks for the feedback.
Its really appreciated.
And I think there are lots of others like you out there… I’m currently up to around 9000 unique visitors to my website (per month).
Two years ago, I would have been happy to get 500 per month.