Why most small businesses fail (and what to do about it)
This wasn’t meant to be a book review, but I guess thats how it turned out!
In the last few years, I haven’t had much time to read books, so when my wife bought this one for me, I was sceptical.
I mean, I’ve heard of so many books on “how to improve your bottom line X-fold”, etc etc, so I was prepared to be either confused by the over-complicated techniques, or bored by the blindingly obvious.
So, I started reading “The E-myth Revisited”, and I got past part 1, but it just seemed to just be setting some background information. Boring, but with some interesting bits of information.
Part 2 was short, but it got quite interesting… and with each interesting bit of information I absorbed, I found myself wanting to ask a few follow-on questions (most fell into the how?, and why? category).
By this stage, I was itching to get to part 3, and I was hoping I’d get the answers to my questions. This was getting exiting.
Although Computer Aid doesn’t quite fit into Michaels description of a small business, I could see many similarities, and I could see I was going to make many mistakes in the future, and probably run myself into the ground…
But I also got a taste of what Computer Aid could be like… I could also see its potential.
Part 3 of this book got a bit hard to read (in places), but by the end, it felt like I had had one of those “lightbulb” moments. I knew I could avoid “burning out”… but I could also see I had a lot of work in front of me…
All up, E-Myth has been one of the most enlightening books I have read (maybe because I know nothing about “business”).
Probably one of the most difficult things I’ll need to do is the “documentation” of all aspects of my work… not something I’m looking forward to.
And after that, I’ll also need to learn to “let go” and not try to do everything myself… The feeling that “no-one else can do my work as well as me” is so ingrained, that I’m not sure if I can do it.
Looks like I’ve got some interesting times ahead.