XP continuous, neverending, load screen
And here we go again, another strange XP startup problem.
This time, windows gets to the logo loading screen… and the rolling bar at the bottom just keeps on rolling (for hours at a time!).
But it starts in safe mode with no problem…
A local computer shop (Mr CD-R) have looked at it, but couldn’t find a problem (so they say its a faulty power lead… huh?… and give my customer a new power lead)
The PC is closed within a small cupboard, under the desk… wow its warm in there… I’m surprised the PC hasn’t melted 🙂
I take out the PC, take a look inside… the only strange thing is that the mobo has a 24-pin power connector, but the lead from the power supply only has 20 pins… 4 pins are left unpowered.
I’ve not seen this before; and it obviously works, but I’d be tempted to upgrade the PSU to a 24-pin version.
Anyway I run the PC without the side covers, and see what happens… same problem.
I also notice the optical mouse isn’t lighting up… OK, I try my own USB mouse: this time windows starts normally, but It won’t detect the mouse. looks like an expired version of Computer Associates antivirus is complaining about an expired license… and it also looks like it won’t allow windows to detect new hardware until you click on OK and then cancel… But I cant click anywhere until the mouse is detected… catch 22
The keyboard works, so I fumble with windows keyboard shortcuts, until I get rid of the Computer “DisAssociates” windows.
I go to restart the PC with the original mouse.. I need to follow the mouse and keyboard cables (both are extended in order to reach the PC… I eventually figure out which is which, and then start the PC, and everything starts normally (but the keyboard is not working.
I decide to put the PC on the desk, and connect the keyboard and mouse directly to the PC: All startup problems have finally gone.
I reckon it was the mouse/keyboard extension leads the were causing the problem (either an incomplete contact, or a loose plug/socket.
Either way, the PC is fixed, I spend a little time removing the expired CA antivirus, and then installing antiVir.