After a month of (intermittent) effort, I have finally moved my blog from blogger to WordPress (under my computer-aid.com.au domain).
A lot of effort went into making it blend into my webpage theme… it aint perfect, but its as close as I’ll be able to get it.
I started off looking for a 3 column theme (not many available for wordpress)… and eventually narrowed it down to 4 contenders. I ended up choosing the gila theme by John Hesch. I made many changes (mostly to the stylesheet), so I could get the colours right. I also re-arranged the sidebars, so that I sould include my site buttons on the left (plus a small ” i dont power blogger” logo 🙂
Once everything looked right, I decided to follow the excellent instructions by John Sherman at underscorebleach.net and loaded all my blogger blogs into wordpress (although it took about 30 attempts with the wordpress import function)… It kept failing with a “Zero Sized Reply” error… possibly a php memory error.
I then redirected my blogger blog to point to this blog & hey presto! I’m back and running with no lost blogs and (hopefully) no lost traffic.