ADSL and foxtel problem
This telstra ADSL installation seemed simple at first…
Plugged ADSL filters into the 1 phone, but still got no ADSL sync from the modem.
After some head scratching, the customer says: would foxtel interfere with it?
I say that I don’t think so… its a cable or satellite dish based system
At this point I’m told: no, there is a phone cable that goes from the wall into the foxtel box. Apparently its for some movie on demand system (I didn’t know it was available yet!)
I take a quick look, and yes, there is a phone line coming out of the wall, near the TV. I don’t trace it, as there are too many obstacles in the way… I just install a filter.
Now we have an internet connection!
I setup security and email, and answer a few minor questions.
I also ask that they test the foxtel connection… I wouldn’t want the line filter to disrupt the foxtel connection. but it all works well. Great!
The job is done, and I’m on my way again.