Cannot get a Dlink wireless card to work.
I hate it when I can’t solve a problem.
Customer has 3 PCs, and a Dlink wireless router.
2 PC’s have wireless Dlink cards, and one is connected via ethernet.
Neither wireless PCs could connect properly with the router (despite a good signal strength).
Just before I arrive, the customer reformats and reinstalls windows on 1 PC, and it can now work on the wireless network.
He can’t reformat / reinstall XP on the second PC, as he needs it for work.
I check the router/AP settings, and everything is fine.
I then re-configure the PC wireless settings (WPA-PSK-TKIP), but it doesn’t work.
I restart the PC, and the router, but no go.
I move the PC into the same room as the router, but no go.
I connect the ethernet cable: and it works fine.
I download and install the latest Dlink drivers (via microsoft update), but still no go (even after another restart). It detects the Routers SSID, I try to connect, and after a minute, I just get the list of detected network SSIDs again (with none connected).
At this point, the customer reckons he can just swap ethernet cables, as that will allow him to do what he is aiming for… although a wireless connection would be much more convenient.
In my experience, D-Link hardware is usually pretty ordinary. Have you tried removing the card and reseating it? I know it sounds silly, but a similar thing happened on a job, I tried everything, but reseating the card fixed it.
Agree the d-link gear seems pretty flaky.
I had a similar problem recently and
finally solved it by flashing the router
to the latest firmware.
I’ve never had any problem specifically with dlink (except those awful dsl-200 modems.. avoid them like the plague!), but maybe I’ve just been lucky.
I didn’t think of reseating the card… a very good idea.
I’ve never had to reflash firmware, and I’ll only do it as a last resort… I’ve had some close calls reflashing motherboard bios, so I avoid it if I can.