ie 7 can act like a spambot!
I recently upgraded bad behaviour (from 2.0.23 to 2.0.24) on my blog, and found I couldn’t activate the new plugin (I got a http 403 error).
Reverting back to V 2.0.23, and everything was fine again.
At first, I thought it was a bug with bad behavior, but when I tried updating from firefox, bad behavior activated normally.
I went back to Maxthon (ie7), and found I was being blocked from my blog (error 403 again).
OK, looks like an IE7 problem.
I tried from another PC, and I could access without a problem
OK, the problem is with IE7, but only on my main PC.
I tried running IE7 in safe mode, but the problem persisted.
I tried uninstalling ie7, then reinstalling it. But that didn’t fix things.
I used winmerge, so I could see what had changed between bad behavior 2.0.34 and 2.0.24.
The only obvious difference was a check for the string “User-agent: “.
I commented out that check within BB, and IE7 was working again… but this is just a work-around. I want to know the reason for this problem.
I found a nice site called:
And I find my user agent was: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; ; MAXTHON 2.0)
Ok, some duplication, and a suspicious entry for
A quick web search gets me a solution, but not much more.
I start regedit, go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet SettingsUser AgentPost Platform
and then delete the badly formed user agent value (there was only one value).
I restart maxthon (ie7), reinstall BB 2.0.24, and I can finally work on my blog again.
Please: I don’t want any comments about browser X is better than maxthon. I like maxthon. I’ve been using it for many many years, and I’m happy with it.
I also use ie7, firefox, opera, safari, chrome… but maxthon does just what I want.
I found that IE7 is a real pain in the neck as well. I uninstalled it and use IE6 as a backup browser. I use firefox as the primary browser and I seem to havee no probles with my PC.
Hey thanks so much for the post. I was having this problem last night. I reverted back to the 2.0.23 plugin and all is fine. Is it okay to just stick with that version for now, as I hate to fool with regedit? I’m not well versed in that.