Improve Vista Performance Quickly and Easily (Yeah, right!)
I found this link, and had a good laugh: vista performance and tuning
If you can manage to read through the whole 14 page document (and maybe even follow some of the links), you will find the process is far from Quick, and far from Easy.
I skimmed through most of it, as many parts seem to follow tip that have been available for quite a while (even I have a condensed set of tips: Tuning Vista). But I don’t pretend its quick or easy.
The part that caught my eye was the brief discussion on UAC:
While we recommend that the majority of your users run with standard user (non-administrator) privileges, there are times when it is necessary to deploy a subset of users with administrative privileges. In such circumstances, the User Account Control (UAC) Consent Prompt can slow access to administrative operations and has led some organizations to look at turning UAC off entirely.
A better alternative is to change the behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators to elevate without the prompting. This option, which can be set via Group Policy, allows the administrator to perform an operation that requires elevation without consent but still provides the other benefits afforded by UAC, such as Internet Explorer Protected Mode
For more information read “Understanding and Configuring User Account Control in Windows Vista” at the Windows Vista TechCenter.
So I thought: Hey great! I’d like to know how to elevate without prompting.
Well, I really struggled to understand the damn thing… so how is an unsophisticated vista user supposed to be able to read, absorb, and that decipher what needs to be done to elevate without prompting?
If you are interested in elevating without prompting a better solution is: Tune UAC
Microsoft: I think you really need to release a vista tweakui. Believe me, Vista needs it much more than XP ever did!