lost disk space on xp ntfs (c:userdata)
After doing a HP windows recovery (the ntdlr.exe problem from a few posts ago), I noticed something weird: the properties window on C: shows that the ntfs drive is 70GB, but only 2.x Gb is available…
yet, by using utilities like scanner (by Steffen Gerlach), I can see that only 20Gb is in use.
Whats using the remaining 48Gb? How could it be missing?
Well, to eliminate any “behind the scenes” microsoft interference, I start ubcd4win, and I quickly find that the space is in the folder c:userdata
Yet this folder appears empty while xp is running. A quick (actually not so quick… thanks to xp home) change in security settings (and folder ownership) quickly brings the lost disk space back to normal.
You said you lost space after a recovery and was able to fix it right? Could you tell me step by step how? Please!
Hi MasterV. Sorry, but step by step is too difficult for me. Too many “what ifs”. If you don’t have the technical know-how to follow my blog… Then you must get some expert assistence.