Outlook express & faulty modem
Had a small business call about problems with email & internet (after they upgraded their computer system).
Tried to copy all their outlook express (OE) emails & folders using the export/import function… but to no avail (I think I need to brush up on my OE skills).
Eventually used the winxp “system settings migration” wizard, to copy everything over…
But still no dialup connection… eventually tracked it down to a faulty modem (the modem log showed no response from the modem), so a quick swap of modems fixed everything, except for a strange error message while sending emails, but it doesn’t stop the emails from being sent, so we decided to just leave it for the moment.
DEMOfall 05 take three–nothing non-linear
This is my final wrap-up from DEMOfall 05. The first two installments are here and here , and photo gallery here .
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