p4s800-mx SE Motherboard. cmos battery doesn’t connect.
Customer has a failed P4S800-MX mobo in her PC.
I order a P4S800-MX SE… as its the closest thing I can get (just to avoid having to reinstall windows). Well when I get it, I find it has an unusual fault.
When it powers up, it says it has had a low cmos battery, press F1 to restore defaults, F2 to go into the bios.
I try changing the battery, but I still get the same problem.
But it only happens when I remove power from the mobo. By just powering off from the front-panel power button, the date & time are maintained, as well as other settings.
So, its not a problem that is likely to happen often (However, I do have some customers that always power off from the wall outlet).
When it happens, there are 2 problems: wrong date / time, and not having the PnP aware O/S setting set to “yes” seems to cause the display to revert to 4-bit colour).
Once its fully fired up, I need to download drives for ethernet, sound, modem.
I also do a windows update, install antivir and windows defender.
I reboot a few times, as its needed by updates, etc.
But after one particular reboot, It only gets as far as the windows logo, then a brief flash of BSOD, then the PC restarts…
I try safe mode, but the same thing happens.
OK, looks like I’ll have to do a windows reinstall anyway 🙁
I do the reinstall, updates, and security again.
Since I’ll be interstate over the next 3 weeks, I decide to return the PC, but I explain the situation, and I promise to fix it (with a new mobo) on my return.
I also leave detailed instructions on how to fix the bios settings, should there be a power outage.
ebay seller will only allow me to return the mobo after 7 days
I was going on 3 weeks leave straight after I returned the PC to the customer… so I could only return the motherboard after 4 weeks, but ebay user “danverl” is completely unwilling to help. I leave neutral feedback, and he does likewise (out of spite).
Sigh… looks like I’ll be stuck with a dodgy mobo. I’ll just buy another brand 478 mobo and move across once work is a little less hectic.