repair install of xp: Windows cannot load the users profile
Another repair install of XP (due to a motherboard failure)
But once windows starts, I get:
Windows cannot load the users profile.
Windows logged you in with the default profile.
And after I’m logged in, I get a few error messages like:
Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
I can already guess that this is a file permission problem with the original user account.
So I restart in safe mode, see that the permissions and owner settings don’t look right. So I change them, and apply the change to the whole c:Programs and Settingsuser folder structure
But after restating in normal mode, things are not quite right… so as the normal user, I start windows explorer, go to c:Programs and Settingsuser, then go to properties, and change ownership of the whole folder structure (again).
After that, I’m still getting errors.
So I figure a restart is worth trying.
Sure enough, after a restart, everything is back to normal.
Restart never hurt 😉
I’ve used the free portable program Reprofiler in the past to fix this error – corrects the profile ownership by reassigning the profile folder (settings and data) to the correct user a/c – saves having to manually play with permissions.
Review of Reprofiler here:
Kind of strange. I looked this up because of a similar problem that happened in my pc company, RMC Tech but this.. this is something entirely different. Weird how restarting it that second time fixed it. Interesting.
Even one of my friends faced similar problem,which was resolved.This problem is quite similar to that but interesting.thanks