While doing some other work for a customer, I noticed that windows defender hadn’t been updated for about 8 weeks (from end of Nov 2007 to end of jan 2008).
I tried a “manual” update, but it kept giving an 0x80240022 error (and the last update timestamp wouldn’t change).
Since I was running late, I asked the customer to call me back if it continues to give the error.
About mid february, he calls me back, saying it still won’t update.
when I take a look, I notice that the update timestamp is around the 5 feb… Looks like it got updated since I was last there, but not reliably enough.
I try a few simple things like disable the xp firewall, reinstall WD, but nothing works.
Looking around the net and I see many suggested solutions ie:
I try them, but after I now end up with a 0x8024402f error.
Another trawl around the net led me to:
but none of those suggestions worked either.
So we decided to just dump defender and go with something like avg anti-malware (since customer was already using avg anti-virus, then AVGAM would have been a simple step.
And there starts another story…