A customer had a packard bell iMedia X800 PC (PN: P020160259). It had some usb corruption (printers wouldn’t work).
I couldn’t do a repair install (lost CDs), so I performed a clean installation of XP.
After that, I looked around for the drivers, and I couldn’t find the missing ones (particularly the sigmatel stac9750T audio drivers). It also took a while to find the ethernet drivers, but I found something vaguely usable on the packard bell website.
This is the second time I’ve scanned the packard bell website, and found no mention of the PC sitting right in front of me. Whats going on?
I eventually go to my backup of the PC, find the drivers, and copy them to the PC. It works, but I would not have been able to get the sound working if the PC had had a failed hard drive…
The drivers can be obtained for a modest payment of $14 Australian Dollars. (Click the Buy Now button)