Vista SP1 error code 80200010
I did a Vista recovery for a customer, and after the usual batch of updates, I was finally asked to install SP1.
OK, I knew SP1 can take a while, so I decided to start it, then come back a few hours later, and see what happened.
Well, it looks like it generated an error code 80200010
So I figure: Oh well, I’ll try it again.
This time it seems to “resume” the SP1 download from 47%
Hmmm, looks like either the download got interrupted, or the wireless network connection dropped out, or the PC went to sleep / standby during the download.
So this time I regularly check the progress of the download, and I have no more issues, and SP1 installs without any more hiccups.
Do you know where I can find Vista sp1 CD (or sp2) if it is available. Not able to find on the MS site and downloading will be too long on dial-up.
Hello Mike,
It looks like M$ have decided not to release SP1 (there is no SP2 yet) on CD.
You have 2 options:
1) ask a friend to download it for you and burn it to CD / USB drive
2) download it over dialup (its not quite as bad as it sounds, as the download happens in the background, and when you disconnect from the internet, the download will resume the next time you connect (from where it got disconnected last).