HomeTechnicalwireless (wifi 802.11) network interference


wireless (wifi 802.11) network interference — 1 Comment

  1. There are wide guard bands each side of the allocated wifi spectrum, so channels 1 and 11 shouldn’t be interfered with by other types of wireless. Half-way between them is channel 6. These three are the only non-overlapping channels in au (1 & 5 overlap a little, as do 5 & 9).
    Any map maker knows you need a minimum of 4 colours to give each adjacent region dissimilar colours, the same is true for adjacent wifi channels. There being only three non-overlapping channels means that interference can not be avoided when many wireless access points are setup in a small area.
    Unfortunately other spectrum users (cordless phones, etc) stomp all over the wifi space, so you may not be able to use 1, 6 or 11.
    The best compromise seems to be 1, 5, 9 & 13 (don’t tell your software that you are au) in this repeating block pattern –
    9 1 9 1
    13 5 13 5
    1 9 1 9
    5 13 5 13