HomeTechnicalAlureon.h rootkit not detected by malwarebytes, superantispyware, eset nod32


Alureon.h rootkit not detected by malwarebytes, superantispyware, eset nod32 — 2 Comments

  1. I think I understood most of your post but to be perfectly honest I am not a computer tech. person at all. Your post however interested me right away, because I saw the word “malware” that dreaded word that has been making me go mad and taking my blog off-line at least 6 times since May. It seemed for awhile I was getting a “reported site” the dreaded red page and it telling everyone if you visit this blog you could be infected. I begged Hostgator and Google I don’t know how many times that it became almost rote for me. I had a computer guy install malwarebytes for me, and knock on wood I’ve been ok for awhile. I’ve also had a fellow blogger Enkay take a look at the inside and see if he saw anything. It sucks having all of these infections, bugs, and hackers invading our blogs. Now that I know about you, I think I’ll put you on my list of people to call for HELP. Great post. thanks jj

  2. Been struggling to remove Alureon.h rootkit for 48 hours using most of the “free” AV stuff and rootkit detectors out there.

    Needless to say had no luck, and was about to re-install XP Home.

    Then I stumbled across “Alureon.h rootkit not detected by malwarebytes, superantispyware, eset nod32” which described the symptoms I was experiencing EXACTLY!

    Did what was suggested and I now have a working PC once more.

    One up for MSSE, which has now been installed on all my locally networked PCs.

    I never thought I’d say ever say this – “Good Old Microsoft”!