CD Drive doesn’t appear in XP/Vista
This has happened to me once or twice since I have had my own computer and it is typically a pretty easy error to fix.
What exactly is the error?
There are some instances that cause your CD Drives not to appear in My Computer. Although there is a CD in the drive and hear it working the operating system doesn’t recognise the disk.
What causes the error?
Typically, this issue occurs after uninstalling software like Nero and Alcohol 120% which installs virtual drive software onto your computer. Sometimes files are uninstalled incorrectly and it causes your physical drives to become disabled also.
How can I fix the error?
In XP/Vista simply open your device manager (from control panel, or run devmgmt.msc). This application lists all the devices that are installed on your system. The program will also note if the hardware is disabled or installed incorrectly.
Head down to the DVD/CD-ROM Drives and drop down that menu. You should see a number of devices equivalent to the amount of CD Drives you have.
Select the drives the aren’t working and right click on them.
Find and click uninstall. Confirm the operation.
Restart your system. Upon restart, the device should reinstall. It will appear in My Computer and Device Manager as before but only this time you will find the drive works!
This doesn’t fix my issue!?
If this doesn’t fix your issue it may be a larger issue like a dead CD/DVD drive. If you believe it isn’t your drive, check inside your computer and make sure all cables are properly fitted and in the proper place. Sometimes disconnecting and reconnecting the cables helps.
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Justin Merrill
A philosophical soldier for the thermonuclear age.
Computer problems? Oh, I hate them. 🙁
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