mixx – mixxed up?
I joined mixx.com sometime last year.
It was good for a while, but at some point, something weird happened:
I’d enter my username and password, then I’d be redirected to the mixx home page again. There is a yellow banner under the red menu that says: “Good to see you again!”
So it feels like I just logged in, but on the top left of the page, I see the “help signup login” links…
It looks a lot like I was logged in, then immediately logged out again.
Either there is something wrong with my account, or I have been “quietly” banned. Strange…
I can understand if I got banned for excessive self promotion (I sometimes do that 🙂 )
This reminds me of the problems I had with stumbleupon, where they would display a blank screen with no error message if I tried to stumble something from my own website. At least viadeo said my account was suspended, so I then knew I did something wrong.
Is it a trend amongst all these new “social” or web2.0 sites: don’t give friendly error messages if you don’t like someone?
Hi! Just a quick note to say that you made it on my top dropper post for February 😉 Check out http://prague.today.com/2009/02/28/entrecard-top-droppers-blog-news/ and enjoy the back link and blog review 😉 Little consolation for your mishap with mixx?
Mixx is a social bookmarking right? I dont think mixx is a good social bookmarking to get some traffic, I never got a single visitor from mixx…