Computer Aid: The Movie
A few weeks ago, I read a great article on how to make a company mission statement.
Take a look at seo review
Instead of the boring and meaningless one-liners that most companies use, this guy suggested something like a movie trailer.
So, following the cookie-cutter approach, I came up with a “movie trailer” for Computer Aid.
And it was real fun to make (even my wife had a laugh when I read it to her)
Now read this like you’re a movie voice-over guy:
In a town where computers slow down and freeze, one computer repairer comes to the rescue. When Internet connections fizzle and stop and all hope is lost, Computer Aid springs into action, and gets you surfing again. Computer Aid will impress you with their professionalism, experience, competence and efficiency. When things just don’t compute, someone can fix your computer and show you how to tame the internet.
You’ll laugh, when you see how easily they fix your problems. You’ll cry, when you realise you didn’t need to spend days trying to fix computer problems yourself.
Computer Aid: We can help you.
I was tempted to make the last line: Computer Aid: Coming soon to a theater near you!
haha nice one I tried reading that with a movie trailer voice, i was wondering where’s the obligatory “Academy Award Winner” line to introduce the actors.
HI, that’s a nice one! Definitely, computer aids are great to keep. By the way, you’re my # 2 March Top Dropper. Thank you soo much of your drops. You may visit my recent post to see your blog name in there. see yah muahh!
Much appreciated,
Cacai M.