HomeTechnicalDisablePagingExecutive and LargeSystemCache = XP corruption


DisablePagingExecutive and LargeSystemCache = XP corruption — 5 Comments

  1. My favorite tweak for improving speed is removing all unecessary executables from Windows startup using msconfig. Not an overly advanced tweak but it is effective nonetheless.

  2. Both of these “tweaks” are found on just about every tweaking quide ever written. Most contain descriptions that are hopelessly inaccurate and with no warnings of any possible risks. The “DisablePagingExecutive” setting is usually harmless – and equally useless on most systems. Not so with the other setting.

    As Microsoft has clearly pointed out “LargeSystemCache” is intended for systems used primarily as servers. For Workstation use it will usually be bad. The setting tells Windows that file caching has priority over memory for application use. For servers this makes sense, but for a workstation it can kill application performance.

    As the author has mentioned, the setting can have serious consequences. It produces an environment that many devices and drivers were not designed for and they react very badly to it. It is deadly with some popular video cards and some other devices.


    Larry Miller
    Microsoft MCSA

  3. A little-known cause of slowdowns is Dr Watson. This is an old carry-over diagnostic utility from the past built into XP, now of limited use.

    Every time there is a system error, Dr Watson will, by default, write an error log to the C-Drive. I was working on a 2-year-old computer recently in which the accumulated error logs had completely swamped the C-Drive to the point where the owner was getting critical “short of space” messages.

    Deleting the very large log folder (5 Gb!!!), and disabling Dr Watson, restored performance.

    Dr Watson is now redundant, as it does much the same job as the Event log.

    Dr Watson is buried deep down in Docs and Settings, under All Users/Application Data/Microsoft. The log file and memory dump should occasionally be deleted.

    To disable Dr Watson completely, several registry edits are needed. MSKB has full instructions.

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