Entrecard and Computer-Aid.com.au traffic
Around the end of July 2008, I placed an Entrecard “advertising widget” on my blog, and also started pushing the Computer Aid blog on a few web2.0 sites.
The interesting thing about Entrecard, is that you can advertise on other blogs, but you also need to advertise other blogs on your own blog. All this mutual advertising is done via a virtual currency (EC)
Whats also nice, is that a blog owner can choose to be “active” to whatever degree they like. ie you can go around “dropping” up to 300 virtual business cards (per day) onto other blogs (you earn 1 EC per “drop”). You can then spend your earned EC by buying ads on other blogs.
I started off slowly, and gradually increased how active I was, over 6 weeks, until I was spending 30 – 60 minutes a day “working” on Entrecard (dropping cards).
I eventually thought: Am I getting any benefit from doing all this work?
So I decided to try an experiment:
Since I was very active with Entrecard, I would suddenly stop doing anything on Entrecard (for about 8 days). I would still display adverts on the Computer Aid blog, but I wouldn’t buy ads (although I still had about 2-3 days of pre-purchased ads), nor “drop” cards on other blogs.
After that, I’d go back to being partly active for 8 days (“drop” my maximum allowed cards every day, but not buy any ads on other blogs)
After that, I’d also start buying ads as well.
I’d then look at my traffic stats (alexa, google analytics, and awstats), and see what effect Entrecard is having.
Here are some Entrecard graphs, which clearly show that dropping cards onto other blogs actually affects the number of cards that get dropped on me, and the number of clicks from the Entrecard website to my blog. What doesn’t show, is that the entrecard”popularity” rating was also affected, dropping from 923 down to 211… but after a month of lots of dropping and advertising, I managed to get an EC popularity rating of 1662.

Drops onto Computer Aid EC advert

Clicks To Computer Aid via ads purchased on other blogs

Clicks to Computer Aid from Entrecard website

Daily drops I did on other blogs
And a few days later:
Since I already have a healthy amount of traffic from other sources, the lack of Entrecard traffic actually had a small (but noticeable) effect on my overall traffic. The only exception was Alexa: my Alexa rank dropped rapidly, followed by a rapid rise.
Given that the Alexa rank is well known to be inaccurate at best, I wasn’t worried.
At the end of it all, I’d say dropping cards has a greater effect than “EC” advertising on other blogs.
So, I’ve tuned firefox and bookmarked a select group of EC blogs, so that I can drop 300EC in 20 minutes. To do this, I’ve found that having fast internet and a fast CPU are both important, as many blogs somehow chew up the CPU power (probably due to badly written scripts).
I’m now going to scale back the time-consuming task of advertising on up to 200 blogs per day… I find its just not worth my time.
Thanks very much for sharing this invaluable research with the rest of us bloggers and web site owners! It does seem that many are way too concerned with traffic instead of loyal readers and buying customers but then that is my opinion.
Thanks for this post! I just started “dropping” this week so I’m very new. This was helpful.
EC does inflate traffic, especially as a large number of people only drop on those that have dropped on them and don’t even read the blog their dropping on, ie ‘drop and run’ merchants.
The advantage is you do get a few regular readers who read and comment more than ‘nice blog’, but how many of these would remain regular readers if you stopped dropping I wouldn’t know.
I did something similar to you a couple of weeks ago, I had got to the point where I was getting 400 drops on my blog, I then had a few days away so couldn’t drop, to my surprise I found that even though I had stopped dropping I still received about 125-150 drops a day while I was away.
This is a pretty helpful article, since I have been thinking about the impact EntreCard ahs on my blog.
This is quite interesting since I drop around 150-200 times every 2 days (I don’t have time to do so everyday).
Since dropping however, I have noticed an increase in traffic, I have gone from having around 30 hits a day (it’s a young blog) to an average of 100 a day.
To coincide with this, my adsense earnings have also jumped a great deal.
I may not be getting a great deal of comments, however my blog must be reaching out to some interested parties, or otherwise they wouldn’t be clicking on my Google Ads, would they?
Just a little food-for-thought.
Hi Diesel,
Sorry about the server error.
I’m having ongoing problems with my hosting.
Hopefully, I’ll have it fixed over the next few weeks.
I’d like to thank you for continuing to drop on my blog, even though I haven’t been motivated to return drops in the past few weeks.
Send me an 80×15 banner, and I’ll return the favor with a backlink in my footer 🙂
Dropping EC cards will improve your Alexa ranking. I know Alexa ranking is not accurate but if one site is high in Alexa ranking, then it will be easier to monetize from it.
Buddy, your site has a rank of 121,005. Very good, almost 10 times better than mine!